Step 1. Basic knowledge, skills and individual ontology design skills using the OsaWL platform
Course Description
Basic course of knowledge engineering. The listener gets basic skills of working with the OsaWL ontological platform. Gets acquainted with the basic concepts of the ontology language. Masters a basic set of tools for designing ontologies: creating classes and taxonomies, relations and properties, logically verified simple judgments (facts in the knowledge base), inference rules.
Course program
- Introduction and objectives of the course. Course plan, introduction from the author of the course, immersion in the topic, prospects and benefits of having the competencies of an ontoengineer.
- Taxonomies of classes. Hierarchical relationships between classes of the subclass/superclass type. Axioms and mechanisms of taxonomies.
- Relationships. Mechanisms for designing relationships and relationships between relationships. The semantic meaning of the relationship. Arbitrary, inverse, symmetric relations. The part-whole relationship.
- Rules and output machine. Generative logical inference based on explicitly described rules. Generation and extraction of new knowledge.
- Complex classes. Automatic membership mechanisms: equivalence, union, intersection/non-intersection, negation.
- Semantic search. Creation of semantic search chains in databases of facts and knowledge. Verified facts for decision-making.
- Individual course work in the field of interests of the student. Certificate of completion of the course.
- Audit of course work by a teacher. Personal certificate (optional, on a paid basis; details are specified separately with each listener)
Who is this course for
- For those who want to master the basics of ontological design of ontologies
- Designers of concepts, architectures, standards, methods, hypotheses, theories, term systems, data models, knowledge models without restrictions on the subject area
- Developers of corporate, industrial, educational, scientific, social products and services
- Architects of business models of corporations, models of technological systems, models of scientific and educational organizations, models of regulation
- Integrators of interdisciplinary associations in the processes of activity
Competencies at the entrance
- general computer literacy
- independent work with documentation
Competencies at the output
- familiarity with the basic concepts of the ontology language
- possession of a basic set of tools for designing ontologies: creation of classes and taxonomies, relations and properties, logically verified simple judgments (facts in the knowledge base), inference rules.
Step 2. Designing ontologies based on the OsaWL platform
Course Description
The student will receive the necessary knowledge for individual and collective design of digital formal ontologies, providing the possibility of subsequent practical use for solving applied problems without restrictions on subject areas.
He will get acquainted with the approaches of describing stakeholders, benefit models, responsibility models, subject matter and activity models, space and time models, thesaurus creation, data models.
He will gain skills in working with knowledge bases and will be able to assess the benefits of using ontological approaches in everyday activities.
Course program
* basics of using ontological design
* conceptual design of domain ontologies
* ontology design techniques
* stakeholder design methodologies
* methods of designing a benefit model
* methods of designing the responsibility model
* methods of designing the subject of activity and the model of activity
* methods of designing models of space and time
* methods of creating thesauri
* methods of creating data models and ways of using them in applied solutions
* knowledge management processes
* practical tasks and methods of their solution using ontologies
Who is this course for
* Designers of concepts, architectures, standards, methods, hypotheses, theories, term systems, data models, knowledge models without restrictions on the subject area
* Developers of corporate, industrial, educational, scientific, social products and services
* Architects of business models of corporations, models of technological systems, models of scientific and educational organizations, models of regulation
* Integrators of interdisciplinary associations in the processes of activity
Competencies at the entrance
* successful completion of the course «Basic knowledge, skills and skills of individual ontology design in the OsaWL platform»
Competencies at the output
* conceptual design of domain ontologies
* individual and collective design of digital formal ontologies
* descriptions of stakeholders, benefit models, responsibility models, subject matter and activity models, space and time models, creation of thesauri, data models
* creation of data models
Step 3. Creating applications based on ontologies in the OsaWL platform
Course Description
The student will receive the necessary knowledge and skills to create applications (application solutions) without restrictions on subject areas using the OsaWL platform application designer.
Course program
* setting up the graphical user interface: application section structures, data registers, input forms
* setting up the role model (who/what reads/edits, what functions they perform)
* setting up an event model (what we monitor/how we react)
* setting up rules for entering and displaying information, developing OsaWL rules for contextual work with information
* setting up the notification system
* customization of printed form templates (static reports)
* customization of dashboards (dynamic reports)
* data import/export functions
Who is this course for
* for those who want to develop applications based on ontologies without programming
* developers of applications (application solutions), information systems and services
Competencies at the entrance
* successful completion of the course «Basic knowledge, skills and skills of individual design of ontologies in the OsaWL platform»
* successful completion of the course «Design of ontologies in the OsaWL platform»
* basic experience in designing data models
* basic experience in describing business processes
Competencies at the output
* development without programming applications (application solutions) in the OsaWL platform application designer (no-code)
* setting up a role model
* setting up the event model
* setting up graphical user interfaces
* creation of printed report forms (static reports)
* creating dashboards (dynamic reports)
Step 4. Development of third-party applications based on the OsaWL ontological core
Course Description
The listener will receive the necessary knowledge and skills to interact with the OsaWL ontological platform API. He will study approaches to the development of model-centric (including hybrid) applications based on an ontological data model. Assess the benefits and overall reduction in the complexity of the development process from the use of model-centric approaches based on ontologies.
Course program
* methodology for developing model-centric applications using ontologies
* transfer of domain business logic from code to ontologies, abstraction of code from binding to the domain
* modification of application data models by a domain expert without the need for changes to the application code by the developer
* OsaWL Platform API
* practical tasks and ways to solve them
Who is this course for
* developers of applications (application solutions), information systems and services
Competencies at the entrance
* experience in developing (programming) applications, systems or services
Competencies at the output
* development of model-centric applications based on the ontological core of the OsaWL platform
* sending requests and processing responses using the platform API to create, modify and extract knowledge
* development of additional modules for applications created using the OsaWL application designer